OUR TASK; The task for your blog this week is to find three internet delivered short films (max 10min) and imbed or upload into a new post. Just providing the link will not suffice. Drawing on the previous lectures, you will also need to provide a discussion as to why you have chosen these particular films.
So we can choose any films we want to put into this post. But they have to kinda relate to last weeks lecture. Anyone remember what that was about?
This is one of the videos i think has killed since its Youtube debut;
Creating the term "Beached as bro" this shotty drawn whale has created a niche all its own. With shirts, cups, calendars, bags, clocks, bumper stickers,& other merchandise, including a spin off " Sausage As, a squeal and their own website, this short little film has shown Hollywood how its done. It tapped into a relatively small market & has totally owned. Granted it hasn't reached the high flying figures accompanying the silver screen but with 4,973,500 views since being uploaded in April 2008, its getting there. Get your own beached as stuff at; http://www.cafepress.com/BeachedAs.
The next film is a "dark-comedy" made by Griffith student, Zie. It is politically incorrect, morally repugnant & hi-freaking-larious. This film taps into the current "Emo" phase & pokes fun at the "problems" of Gen Y. Because short films, especially those broadcasted on youtube is not an area usually explored by the big guns, it can afford to be a little daring & different. The creater has posted two more parts to the Ash the depresent series, all able to be viewd online.
The third & final part of our collection is Movies in Minutes - Harry Potter. This is a fad sweeping the youtube/movie world. There are different collections of people condensing movies (Harry Potter, Twlilight, Titanic etc) into mere minutes, mocking the conventions of old Hollywood by simply getting to the point. They are a complete joke but have created a life all their own.
Were gunna take a little walk through history. & to keep it light & breezy & fancy free were gunna change it up a bit. This is George.
George has super powers (you can tell from the hair right?) that let him travel back in time. Today George wants to see the first season of the Simpson. (he hasn’t caught onto the DVD box sets yet) George uses his powers to take him back to watch the first season.
However George isn’t so good with directions & ends up in 1895. (Kinda overshot it) but just in time to see the birth of cinema. After being a bit grossed out by seeing a lady birth a cinema full of squeezing & walking he continues on his journey.
Taking a break in 1906 George watches the first feature length narrative film. George was very proud of this film, his kudos going out to Australia, who made it about Ned Kelly. Busting with Aussie pride George soldiers on.
1927 slaps him right in the face as he hears the movie. “Talkies,” the first film with talking & sound, (Ned Kelly had had horses running around the back & an orchestra for the chase scene) “The Jazz Singer” made good old George feel a bit iffy so he decided to move on.
& the colours astounded him, the grey sky was blue, the grey grass – green, the grey sun – yellow! 1929 - It was amazing, the first all colour film. Blinking his way through the brightness he stumbled along his path.
With only 29cents in his pocket George was itching for another film & just his luck 1933 came to his rescue with the first drive-in cinema. Like all good boys in s drive him George found a lovely New Jersey lady, Gertrude & had himself a gay old time.
Leaving 1933 was hard for George, even harder when he realised he was taking Gertie with him. But the two continued on in search of the Simpson’s. 1937 made Georges heart leap; here was an all colour all singing animated film. True Snow White wasn’t Marge but some of the dwarfs had him all confused with the Simpson characters.
Closer still to his dream in 1939, Gertie had a girls look and found the first TV. George, still not to good with time thought he was there, alas he was mistaken & had to continue on his journey,
Pulling on their super-fly glasses the pair skated into 1952, and the birth of 3D. Seeing that birth made Gertie invest in birth control & off they went.
Pausing momentarily in 1955 to watch a movie they’d seen at the cinemas on tv as Hollywood sold their movies to TV stations. They then powered into 1956 to experience the first VCR/VTR.
1959 caused a stop as Percepto vision – mild electric shocks given to some audience members in horror movies and Smello vision – incorporating smells in the cinema experience - swept the nation.
The next few years flew by for George and Gertie and the random time-warp hitchhikers they picked up on the way. 1963 – Birth of multiplex theatre, where films could be played on more than one screen at the same time.
1967-69 – Portapax (Portable VCR played and camera)
1970 – IMAX
1972 brought the pair to a screeching halt, Pay TV was invented and Geroge’s life got a little better.
1985 created more happiness as the First blockbuster video store opened and then 1986 which produced the First CGI animated short film mad. Luxo Jr. (Pixar)
Then the holy grail arrived – 17th December 1989, the first Simpson Episode. The excitment was to much for George & he woke up a week later naked and tied to a goat. After trying to explain himself to Gertie they hastily left.
The trip home was a short & oddly silent one. The couple a stop off in 1995 to see Toy Story and then 1997 to watch it on DVD. Deciding to skip watching Madonna in the 2002internet film BMW – “The Driver” George & Gertie returned to 2009.
The end.
Oh & you wanna see some Simpsons too? Okay The second ever Simpsons episode (I cant find the first)
Question one. What is the height of the world's biggest tree? How long did it take to grow?
The tree called "General Sherman" is not only the biggest giant sequoia, but it is also the biggest tree in the world. He is 83.8 m (274.9 feet) tall, his girth at breast height is 24,10 m (79 feet) (near the ground it is 31,3 m or 102,6 feet). The width of the crown is 33 m, and the first branch starts only at 40 m or 130 feet! . For a long time it was thought that this tree had reached an age of 2000 to 3000 years. Others even spoke about ages of 6000 to 11000 years. Research has shown that he is probably 'only' about 2000 years old.
Oh & incase you were thinking tallest not biggest, that my friend is a redwood, Hyperion, standing a measly 115.5 meters. They reckon its about 600 years old. (Redwoods - the worlds biggest trees)
& i thought i'd add this in, just for fun. this is a man measuring the worlds tallest tree. How you ask? By climbing it & dropping a tape measure. Ohhh yeah.
"The Madonna House Apostolate is a family of Christian lay men, women, and priests, striving to incarnate the teachings of Jesus Christ by forming a community of love."
Wanna chat?
The best way to contact us is still traditional postal mail. Our mailing address is:
Madonna House Apostolate 2888 Dafoe Rd RR 2 Combermere ON K0J 1L0 Canada
Telephone: 613-756-3713 Fax: 613-756-0211
Oh & if your getting high-tech with them remember,
"The Internet is not in everyday use by the members of our community, so please include your postal mailing address if you send us e-mail."
& if you ment the other Madonna? Who really cares. i mean come on, A training center for Lay Apostolate wins hands down.
Question three.
What is the age of the oldest ever captive elephant? Is this older than the average wild age?
The oldest elephant ever recorded died on the 26th Feb 2003 at the age of 86. Lin Wang lived in captivity in Taipei Zoo Taiwan. The average life expectancy for an elephant is 45 years, in captivity & the wild. (Woodland Park Zoo)
Question four.
How would you define the word 'glycomics'? In your own words what does it really mean? What does the term 'seagull manager' refer to? The term glycomics is derived from the chemical prefix for sweetness or a sugar, "glyco-", and was formed to follow the naming convention established by genomics (which deals with genes) and proteomics (which deals with proteins). The definition of glycomics has evolved to cover a range of scientific disciplines that are applied to study the structure and function of carbohydrates (sugars) in biological systems. (Griffith University)
I think it means blah blah blah. Its a weight loss program, studying sugars in the body, to eliminate them! A seagull manager pretty much explains its self, its a manager who is brought in to deal with a project, makes a lot of fuss, achieves nothing, and then leaves. Just like a sea gull flapping around annoying you at your beach lunch & getting nothing in the end. (BNET)
Question five. What was David Cronenberg's most recent feature film? Which of his films had "Blondie" in it? Eastern Promises (2007) and Blondie was in Videodrome (IMDB)
Why do phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?
Why? Because people are stupid enough to call up the numbers from the movies for a good old chat with the stars. Ah no. the '555' number was assigned to directory assistance (dial 555 and any four additional numbers for the area and you will get information) so the movies & tv figure its safe enough to ward off the crazys. (Guardian)
Question eight.
What is the cheapest form of travel from the GC to Cairns?
Walking. & don't eat. & sleep on the side of the road. Feel free to pee there too but don't get caught, the fine will ruin your cheap holiday. Yep, thats it.
Question Nine.
What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1970?
Are you serious?
Where am i ment to find that? geeze.
But its true, i am amazing & i manipulated the internet & found it =D
On the 20th of August the number one song in Australia was Up Around The Bend - Creedence Clearwater Revival (this day in music)
Question Ten.
Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboard & vocals?
The Black Assassins. yes i stole if off another blog.
So the homework this week was to watch a movie. Awesome class or what?!
I saw a couple of different movies this week,
My Sisters Keeper really is awesome & not that sad if you can be strong.
But the most recent movie i saw this week was Orphan.
It was crazy weird & i didn't find it scary scary, just a bit full on at times.
I'll try not to give away the end, but seriously its good.
We have to relate the movie back to the screen language that was looked at in the lecture & tute.
VLS/WS - Very Long Shot/ Wide Shot - Establishing shot
LS -Long Shot - Person occupies ¾ - 1/3 screen height
MLS - Medium Long Shot - Entire body plus a short distance either above or below
MS - Medium Shot - Cuts the body just below the waist
MCU - Medium Close up - Cuts the body at lower chest
CU - Close up - Framing from just above the head, down to upper chest
BCU - Big Close up - Tight close up; Full head height nearly fills the screen
ECU - Extreme Close up - Used for isolating detail. Normally using the cameras macro facility.
This movie used difference camera angels, distances & focuses to convey all the tempos, moods & settings.
It really was well done, playing on the cliche horror movie "bits" to create tension.
wait wait wait.
Now its not that i didn't do this post before. its just that i forgot.
So i'll do it now. & add it on
The Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of cinema are show by the use of different camera angels.
Ohkay... and go. Where - the long shot (called an establishing shot at the begining of a scence) is used to show where the scene is taking place.
It uses the LS to help set the scene & help the audience understand what is about to happen. & to scare them.
This particular image has Ester (Isabelle Fuhrman) in the background, being the LS and Max (Aryana Engineer) in the foreground, which could be a MCU, however because they are together and Max seems to be slightly out of focus, meaning the main focus in Ester and there is so much background i'mgunna stick with LS.
Feel free to argue,
CU, BCU& ECU are also very heavily used in this film. They help explain who & why.
Who - is shown by the close up it shows the detail of the character, such as there emotions, physical attributes and ideas.
Why - Big close up are used for why, it can expose and discolse more about the character, their actions and motives.
That girl has evil eyes.
They manipulate the image they are trying to portray by using close ups to show the emotion, or lack there of, in the characters faces, eyes mainly. It should be quickly noted that Max, the youngest daughter in the movie is deaf, therefore her expressions are critical in understanding her so close ups become almost vital.
Where - the long shot (called an establishing shot at the begining of a scence) is used to show where the scene is taking place.
VLSwere used to set the scene, the dark, icy road the car crashed on. The beautiful house in the distance, the castle / (not telling figure it out) =P
How - How can be shown in a series of close up or a single medium close up shot to explain explain or answer questions.
In the flim there is a part where the twist is revealed and there is a voice over while a close up on a character showing what the voice is talking about. Its hard to explain without giving it all away. so just see it yeah.
When - Two different shots are used for creating "time" the long shot and the close up.
In the film this was shown by changes in the weather, like showing getting heavier and night & dark shots.
Oh oh oh... best line?
Ester - If I find out that you're lying, I'll cut your hairless little prick off before you even figure out what it's for. Do you understand me?
Check it out yeah?
Totally worth the way to expensive cinema tickets.
Annnd another thursday has rolled around, bringing with it another exciting blog. Today's topic?
Language of Screen
we've got some ever so exciting terms to define. ready?
VLS/WS Very Long Shot/ Wide Shot Establishing shot LS Long Shot Person occupies ¾ - 1/3 screen height MLS Medium Long Shot Entire body plus a short distance either above or below MS Medium Shot Cuts the body just below the waist MCU Medium Close up Cuts the body at lower chest CU Close up Framing from just above the head, down to upper chest BCU Big Close up Tight close up; Full head height nearly fills the screen ECU Extreme Close up Used for isolating detail. Normally using the cameras macro facility.
Wanna see?
wanna have a better look? Digital video production has an exciting application showing all the possible camera shots. =D
The rise of computers, Hold onto your hats ladies and gents its gunna get crazy.
Were gunna try and keep this nice and simple, as they say a quick game is a good game. Granted this is not a game, but I don’t have any other appropriate analogies.
After reading the lecture notes, i'm totally confused.
So i figured i'd dumb it down,
Okay so still confused?
So IMB decides they wanted to create computers, just a few huge, massive, things for all the smart people. Apple shoved that idea and created the APPLE 1. PC companies got mad & brought in the big guns Bill Gates & wow, microsoft took over the world. Apple & PC are still figthing it out & with the internet & all its super fun add ons, the computer revolution still grows.
Now i get my summary probably isn't 100% correct, but if you already know it all then why are you reading this? & if you wanna know the real deal? then dont read someones blog. =D
Convergence:the occurrence of two or more things coming together. www.wordnet.princeton.edu
Wikipedia, everyone’s favourite if not slightly corrupt online information source defines technological convergence as the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks. Or if you’re too good for old wiki
Booksites.net gives you digital convergence:the technological trend whereby a variety of different digital devices such as televisions, mobile telephones, and now refrigerators are merging into a multi-use communications appliance employing common software to communicate through the internet.
Oh so smart.
Need more? Okay, we’ll use pictures =D
This picture explains digital convergence, bringing two or more (yes I know there is six) items, objects, functions, whatever together to create another item, object or function.
Still confused? Then stop reading or you’re just gunna hurt yourself.
Convergence is the topic for this (our second) tutorial.. It’s a pretty simple concept but can lead to extreme ideas.
The most obvious example of convergence is the Apple I phone. It bring together the basic nature of a mobile phone (calling and texting) with the awesome photo taking, movie making qualities of a camera and the internet. Along with it’s ever growing list of applications (apps.)
There are apps for; - Managing money - Reading books - Listening to Music - Finding places to eat - Cooking meals - Tuning your musical instruments - And playing an abundance of games.
Other multi-use devices such as the I phone include things as simple as a pen/light to more advance creations like camera/mp3 players, Brando’s Bluetooth handset with a stylus pen for your tablet PC or touch screen cell phones.
And after a while things just get a bit weird, we've got:
- A toaster that prints the days weather forecast onto your toast.
- An airconditioned shirt
- A bus shelter that tells you how fat you are
- yes i edited the picture, yes i made it smaller, yes i put a cupcake & burger on the bench with the lady. geeze, whats with all the questions.
- A Phone with Self Labeling LCD Screen, thats Bluetooth® Headset Compatible, has Peer-to-Peer Communications, Improved Voice Quality, Double Tilt Design and a Second Ethernet Port
Want more?
check out St Eutychu, where being boring kills, blog. filled with fun facts & random images The whole convergence revolution is another lovely if not slightly scary move forward of the digital age. Hopefully, for the safety of the species, it stays with technology. please science, leave the babies alone =D