Thursday, August 6, 2009

2.0 Convergence; we go together like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong

Convergence: the occurrence of two or more things coming together.

Wikipedia, everyone’s favourite if not slightly corrupt online information source defines technological convergence as the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks.
Or if you’re too good for old wiki gives you digital convergence: the technological trend whereby a variety of different digital devices such as televisions, mobile telephones, and now refrigerators are merging into a multi-use communications appliance employing common software to communicate through the internet.

Oh so smart.

Need more?
Okay, we’ll use pictures =D

This picture explains digital convergence, bringing two or more (yes I know there is six) items, objects, functions, whatever together to create another item, object or function.

Still confused?
Then stop reading or you’re just gunna hurt yourself.

Convergence is the topic for this (our second) tutorial..
It’s a pretty simple concept but can lead to extreme ideas.

The most obvious example of convergence is the Apple I phone. It bring together the basic nature of a mobile phone (calling and texting) with the awesome photo taking, movie making qualities of a camera and the internet. Along with it’s ever growing list of applications (apps.)

There are apps for;
- Managing money
- Reading books
- Listening to Music
- Finding places to eat
- Cooking meals
- Tuning your musical instruments
- And playing an abundance of games.

Other multi-use devices such as the I phone include things as simple as a pen/light to more advance creations like camera/mp3 players, Brando’s Bluetooth handset with a stylus pen for your tablet PC or touch screen cell phones.

And after a while things just get a bit weird,
we've got:

- A toaster that prints the days weather
forecast onto your toast.

- An airconditioned shirt

- A bus shelter that tells you how fat you are

- yes i edited the picture, yes i made it smaller, yes i put a cupcake & burger on the bench with the lady.
geeze, whats with all the questions.

- A Phone with Self Labeling LCD Screen, thats Bluetooth® Headset Compatible, has Peer-to-Peer Communications, Improved Voice Quality, Double Tilt Design and a Second Ethernet Port

-And the beer blaster

Want more?

check out St Eutychu, where being boring kills, blog. filled with fun facts & random images

The whole convergence revolution is another lovely if not slightly scary move forward of the digital age.
Hopefully, for the safety of the species, it stays with technology.
please science,
leave the babies alone =D

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